Very important information to read:
This article is intended as a preliminary guide only and refers to some but not all elements required to consider in detail prior to starting any property dealings or due diligence. Property dealings are often complex, especially in foreign countries and we highly recommend you seek independent professional advice... read more... Who can rent real estate in Iran?
Foreigners are allowed to rent property in Iran, but they need to abide by local laws and customs. According to the UK Government in this Muslim country, laws are strictly enforced including:
- Women must cover their heads with a head scarf in public, and wear a sleeved tunic
- Men should wear long trousers and long-sleeved shirts
- Relationships between Muslim women, and non-Muslim men is forbidden
- Homosexual behaviour, adultery and sex outside of marriage are illegal under Iranian law and can carry the death penalty
- Alcohol is forbidden
According to InterNations, unmarried male and female partners living together is looked down upon by Iranians as it is considered ‘breaking down of the family,’ so it is best to respect the local customs as this is also potentially punishable by law.
Types of property in Iran
You can choose between furnished or unfurnished rental accommodation. According to Tehran-Lux-Furnished, furnished units tend to be for shorter stays as most people with long term accommodation prefer to have their own belongings around them. They tend to be in larger multi-story blocks with the managing companies overseeing the furnishing of the units. Frequently, the power and water is included in the rent in furnished accommodation, so the tenant is not required to set up those accounts. Some furnished apartments include everything down to the cutlery and sheets, and some are more basic with furniture and appliances only. It is worth considering taking out contents insurance on furnished apartments to cover for any damage or wear and tear. Make sure you have a detailed list of all inclusions and photographing the contents for proof of the condition when you moved in.
How to rent property in Iran
Employers tend to organise rental accommodation for their employees if they are from overseas, but you can sort out your own accommodation. To help you with your property search, your employer or your home country’s embassy should be able to recommend a real estate agent. Foreigners can choose between public housing and private. Public housing is not the type associated with low income families, and are usually in complexes in self-contained neighbourhoods with access to transport and amenities. Private housing is more expensive and can be an apartment, condominium or bungalow, and most landlords prefer to accept a corporate lease to guarantee a consistent rental income.
Leasing contracts
As rental agreements vary dramatically in Iran, you must make sure you fully understand the terms of the lease. Most contracts have a one-year term, with monthly payments, which is renewable at the end of the lease, and shorter terms may be negotiable. A refundable security deposit will need to be paid to secure the property and to cover for any damage. This amount varies and should be itemised in the lease. The Guardian says the security deposit is usually around US$300.
Real Estate Agencies:
Tehran Lux
Arc Real Estate
Article sources:
American eBox
Tehran Lux Furnished
See also:
Where foreigners can buy or rent property in Iran
Bagh Jannat villa in Isfahan, Iran by Bracket Design Studio
How to buy a property in Iran
Very important information to read:
This article and the above linked artciles are not complete and are intended as preliminary guides only. These guides refer to some elements to consider prior to starting any property dealings or due diligence. Property dealings are often complex areas, especially in foreign countries and we highly recommend you seek independent professional advice... read more...