A quick guide to owning your investment or home in Turkey.
You’ve chosen your property, have your finances ready and are eager to jump into the Turkish real estate market - so what happens next? We will double check at this point, that the seller's paperwork is 100 percent up to date. This means checking the title deeds match details at the land registry office, the property is debt free, and also has an Iskan (habitation certificate).
Some sellers are open to offers in which case, we will convey your offer to them. Otherwise, we inform the agent that you are purchasing and begin the process. We can recommend a list of independent lawyers and translators, or you can source your own. Once contracts detailing terms and conditions as well as payment plans have been drawn up and notarized, a deposit to secure the property will be needed, and we will file your military check application.
What is a Military Check?
Turkish law states that…
A: Foreigners can buy up to 30 hectares
B: Foreigners cannot buy property within military zones
C: Foreigners cannot buy property that amounts to more than 10% of a designated district.
That may sound daunting but in reality, it's nothing. The military check is just a formal process regarding the above to confirm that everything is indeed as it should be.
Registering your Tapu
Once the military process has been completed, it is then time to sign for your Tapu that is the title deeds. If you are unable to be in the country for this process, you can appoint a solicitor or third party to sign on your behalf. At the time of signing, proof of DASK insurance is needed. This is simply earthquake insurance that you will renew on a yearly basis.
Once you have received your title deeds, we can then assist you to change utilities into your name including electricity, and water. Also, go furniture shopping if you have purchased a brand new home or have a party to celebrate your new life in the sun.